Monday, April 27, 2020

Cabbage Pickle

Sepanjang musim PKP yang dah masuk fasa ke 4 ni, tidak ada sebarang pergerakan keluar lagi.  Semua keperluan dibeli secara online termasuk barang basah. Jika beli dari TESCO Online senang nak agak kuantitinya, tetapi bila beli dengan Agrobazaar tawakal aje lah.. Betul seperti yang dijangka, kobis bulat yang sampai saiznya besar. Peti ais pulak penuh dengan stok keperluan Ramadan. Bulan puasa ni banyak mana sangat boleh makan sayur, nak masukkan nasi dan lauk lagi.

Jadi solutionnya buat jeruk kobis. Kalau beli nampa cabbage dah buat kimchi dah.. Lain bangsa, lain negara ada cara tersendiri untuk menjeruk sayuran. Orang Melayu buat acar, orang Korea ada Kimchi.. Orang putih masukkan olive oil dalam jeruk sayurnya.

Yang ni saya guna resepi Asian Cabbage Pickle. Lebih kurang acar juga, cuma air, gula, garam, cuka dimasak. Diletak peppercorn, cili dan bawang putih dalam jeruk. Macam buat kimchi juga, kobisnya di potong dulu, direndam dalam air garam. Saya rendam semalaman. Kemudian bilas dan toskan airnya.

Ni resepi yang saya dah ubah suai dari The Wok's of Life ;

500g kobis, dipotong kecil
1 batang carrot, dipotong halus memanjang
2 cawan air
1 cawan gula
1 cawan cuka makan 
1 sudu teh penuh  garam halus 
3 ulas bawang putih ( dimayang kasar)
3-4 biji cili padi
15 biji lada hitam


  1. Kobis dan carrot dipotong, dibasuh dan ditabur 2 genggam garam kasar + air dan direndam semalaman.  Ni antara tips untuk kekalkan kerangupan sayur. Basuh 3 kali untuk hilangkan masin, tos.
  2. Air, gula, cuka makan, garam dimasak hingga gula dan garam larut. Biarkan sejuk.
  3. Masukkan kobis, karot, bawang putih, cili padi dan lada hitam ke dalam bekas kedap udara.
  4. Masukkan campuran air, gula, garam, cuka ke dalam kobis. Gaul rata.
  5. Tutup bekas dan biarkan selama 12 jam. Nak makan terus after a few hour pun dah boleh
* Pandai2 lah seimbangkan rasa masin, manis, masam ya.. Kalau kurang, tambah apa yang patut.


  • 2 pounds cabbage (900g, hand-pulled into large pieces)
  • 2 carrots (about 6 ounces/170g, cut into bite-sized pieces)
  • ¼ cup (plus ½ teaspoon salt, divided)
  • 2 cups water
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup white vinegar (5% acidity)
  • 3 cloves garlic (smashed)
  • 2-3 fresh chili peppers (optional)


  • In a large mixing bowl, hand-rip the cabbage into large pieces (about 3” x 3” pieces)––they will shrink after pickling. Add in the cut carrots and ¼ cup salt. Use your hands to thoroughly and evenly distribute the salt with the vegetables. Top the vegetables with a heavy object (I used a baking dish with a large, heavy mortar and pestle on top, but you could use foil-wrapped bricks or any other heavy objects), and marinate for an hour in the refrigerator. This process removes excess liquid and makes the vegetables crunchy, but don’t marinate for too long or the cabbage will be too salty.
  • Next, add the water and sugar (here is where you would add the optional bay leaves and Sichuan peppercorns I mentioned) in a small pot. Bring to boil, and turn off the heat. Stir in the vinegar and ½ teaspoon salt. Let the liquid cool completely. It’s a good time to taste the liquid with a clean spoon to make sure you like the levels of sweet and sour, and adjust accordingly. Please use a clean spoon every time you dip into the brine.
  • Once the cabbage and carrots are marinated, wash them 2 to 3 times to get rid of the salt. Drain and squeeze out any extra liquid by hand or with a clean dish towel before putting the cabbage and carrots in a clean glass or ceramic container.
  • Mix in the smashed (or chopped) garlic and whole (or chopped) fresh chili peppers. Pour the cooled vinegar/sugar brine over the vegetables and ensure the vegetables are completely submerged. Cover and store in the refrigerator for 24 hours before serving chilled or at room temperature. If you have any leftovers, leave them stored in the pickling liquid and use clean utensil each time.

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